The dos and don’ts of pairing

While wine pairings are the subject of endless debate, combinations of food with non-alcoholic beverages are uncharted territory. So what are the basic principles? Nicole Klauss, writer and food blogger, has written a book as a culinary journey of discovery with lots of pairings with zero alc. Here are some dos and don’ts for a perfect match:
If you want juice to accompany your meal, a single-variety apple juice is a good choice. Dishes with acidic ingredients (vinegar or citrus) need a juice with higher acidity to hold its own e.g. Rouge. 
Juices to go with the dessert should be at least as sweet as the dessert itself e.g. apple & peach. 
Dishes with lots of pepper go well with juice with plenty of acidity, because that takes the edge off it, e.g. Gravensteiner.
Fatty and solid dishes need apple juice with fresh acidity and light sweetness e.g. apples & hops. 
Delicate dishes should not be combined with strong juices as the fine aromas will be overwhelming. 
We are always happy to help with pairings for your dishes.