Lady in Red: The Weirouge variety

Sour, but very good sour’ - on hot late summer days in search of freshness and cooling, that sounds particularly appealing! Our absolute recommendation: pick up a bottle of apple juice with the bright red ROUGE juice, pressed from the Weirouge variety.

What is this apple variety all about? It is not commonplace, hardly ever found on the market. The variety is special, that much is certain. And like many special things, it triggers clear reactions: Some people love the apple and others don't need it. And some curious people get involved (and then don't want to miss it).

6 September 2024 - the deadline for the start of the harvest in our ROUGE apple orchard. The apples are ready, fully ripe and healthy. Now Thomas Kohl and his team pick them from the tree with their expert hands. Thomas Kohl cuts an apple into pieces. And the visitor is wide-eyed: inside and out - everything is beautiful and bright red in colour. 

Extravagant beauty

From the outside, the Rouge looks like a normal apple. What makes it unique is only revealed when you cut it open. While other apples have light-coloured, often yellowish flesh in various shades, the Rouge hides a bright red inside, which also brings with it a special flavour.

Red cheeks & red flesh

The special colouring of the Rouge starts with the skin. This is due to the high content of anthocyanins, natural plant pigments that also colour the apple red in the flesh. The anthocyanins offer health benefits. They protect the cells from oxidative stress and help the body to detoxify. This makes the rouge a real ‘resistance fighter’.

Sour, but very good sour

We press our mountain apple juice from the apples. Good looks count for little to us (even if we think the apples are so pretty). What is important is a distinctive flavour profile. With a bouquet of redcurrant, cherry and rhubarb, the flavour of the Rouge apple is characteristic. Its acidity gives it a refreshing and invigorating flavour, which is particularly effective as a juice. Whether as an aperitif, with antipasti or with Asian dishes - the juice is versatile and takes every meal to a new level.

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Apple juice Rouge
Lady in red! Rouge is not only the variety, red is also the colour of this mountain apple juice with its bouquet of red currant, cherry and rhubarb. With a slight astringency and pronounced acidity on the palate, this juice presents with a strong taste, wonderful freshness and a lingering aftertaste. An extraordinary, invigorating juice. Highly recommended: as an aperitif, with hors d’oeuvres of fish, meat and Asian dishes.

From €2.60*